
관내 시설 2층

시삭 이콜 툰푸

Past Exhibition

제9회 특별 전시 ≪경이와 괴이: 상상계의 생명체들≫

Past Exhibition

제5회 테마 전시 ≪우포포이 나이트 뮤지엄≫

Past Exhibition

7th Special Exhibition “Ainu History from the Perspective of Archaeology and Historical Studies: The Path to the 19th Century”

Past Exhibition

National Ainu Museum’s 5th Special Exhibition, Ikor uekarire – Collecting Ainu Materials

Past Exhibition

CHIRI MASHIHO: A Passion for the Ainu Language

Past Exhibition

제2회 특별전시 「골든 카무이 투라노 압카스안 ― 스기모토 사이치와 아시리파가 여행하는 세계 ―」

Past Exhibition

SASUYSIR — A Culture We Will Foster: Preserving Ainu Culture for Future Generations

Past Exhibition

제7회 테마 전시 ≪소장자료전≫

Current special exhibition

No special exhibitions are currently scheduled.

Upcoming special exhibition

No special exhibitions are currently scheduled.
