
สถานที่ภายในอาคารชั้น 2

ชิซัก อิโคร โทงปุ
ห้องนิทรรศการพิเศษ/ชั้น 2

Past Exhibition

5th Seasonal Exhibition “A Night at the National Ainu Museum”

Past Exhibition

7th Special Exhibition “Ainu History from the Perspective of Archaeology and Historical Studies: The Path to the 19th Century”

Past Exhibition

National Ainu Museum’s 5th Special Exhibition, Ikor uekarire – Collecting Ainu Materials

Past Exhibition

CHIRI MASHIHO: A Passion for the Ainu Language

Past Exhibition

National Ainu Museum 2nd Special Exhibition “GOLDEN KAMUY turano apkas=an ― In the footsteps of Saichi Sugimoto and Asirpa”

Past Exhibition

SASUYSIR — A Culture We Will Foster: Preserving Ainu Culture for Future Generations

Current special exhibition

No special exhibitions are currently scheduled.

Upcoming special exhibition

No special exhibitions are currently scheduled.
